Sunday, August 13, 2006

The gay guy

What a title for a blog entry huh? I am embarrassed to say that I cannot remember his name right his minute.

I described previously how Mike explictly stated he wanted to be rich. He wanted to be millionaire. He talked about his plans on how he was going to be rich. When someone like me mentioned that did not seem like a proper goal for a person who wanted to save the world and teach spirituality, he told me it was not about the money, it was the challenge of it.


The park where we practised was an open park that was very busy. All kinds of people were always walking by. Thinking about it now, it is kind of amazing that we had the freedom and privacy to practice the way we did. No one ever bothered us.
I belive I mentioned that Peter had joined the group because he was walking in the park and saw us practicing. He stopped to talk to Mike about what was going on. Thinking the way I do now, when Mike heard that Peter was a lawyer, Mike must have though "money and status" and invited him to join.

That seems harsh except for one slight fact. I saw Mike do that with other people.

One day some old guy is walking by. I mean old. Like slouching over with gray hair old. He watches us for awhile and somebody speaks to him. Eventually Mike goes over to converse with him.

The next thing I know, we have a new student. This boggles my mind because I don't think we did an interview for him. Everyone else had been interviewed before being allowed to join. Then Mike says "This man is a member of the group". It was odd because it had never happened before.

Then we find out that this man is gay. That was very odd. No one else in the group was gay. Not among the men anyways. I think there were a few of the women who were gay. I understand that in today's world people are supposed to be understanding etc.
That makes no difference. If you are in close contact with a gay person and you are not gay, it can be an uncomfortable situation.

Here we are, a group of 6 or 7 straight guys and Mike brings in this gay guy. Of course no one said anything. What could we say? It was Mike's class. He could do what he wanted.

Hmmmm. I am wondering. The group might have interviewed him. I remember now. His name was Tom. We might have interviewed Tom. If we did, it happened over at Jeff's apartment. I think I can remember him walking in the door. He was very tall so he looked like he had to bend over to get through the door. I think I remember thinking "that old guy is really hunched over".

I won't swear to that though. I would have to check on it.

Anyways, I was talking about Mike's desire for money, and my suspicion that he allowed Peter to join because Peter was a lawyer. Peter had no martial arts training at all. With all the plots to try to get rid of me, and I had 10 years of martial arts experience, I could think of no other reason Mike would want Peter to join except for money. Maybe a social networking kind of thing if Mike ever needed a lawyer. Something you want to remember for later in this blog.

So we interviewed Tom and he passed of course. Mike was going to let him join anyways. Then at some point in time, you will never guess what we learned.

Tom was a millionaire. A real live honest to god millionaire.

I think Mike allowed the gay guy to join our heterosexual group because he was a millionaire. More opportunity for Mike. If Mike needed capital, his millionaire student Tom was right there.

Maybe I am wrong. I am wrong about lots of things. I am also right about a lot of things. Tom of course had no previous martial arts practice. I mentioned he was hunched over. His state of health was so poor that he needed to be in physical therapy, not a strenuous martial art.

I guess I was there for health problems to be cured. Maybe Mike felt he could cure Tom so Tom could stand up straight. I do not believe that because I do not beleive Tom felt he had a health problem. I doubt he was even consciously aware that he walked hunched over all the time.


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