Friday, January 06, 2006

Things settle down

After the previous attempt to get rid of me, that I only now, years later, realized was what was going on, things settled down. They must have decided they were not going to get rid of me. Or maybe they read my determination not to leave in the face of the entire group that day.

The next months were mostly uneventful as far as I can recall. Nothing notable other than the usual weekend classes and talks. I remained distant as before. Maybe a little more distant because of the vacation incident. I really didn't understand these men. To my way of thinking, the less I spoke and the less noticeable I was, the less problems there would be.

In the physical training. I think I mentioned that we did the long Tai Chi form, a set of Ba Gua stretches, then 8 beginning Ba Gua forms. When I started, I of course knew none of the Ba Gua forms. I would have to stand aside so the others could practice.

I think this quiet period was when I was instructed in the remainder of the forms. I knew all 8 so I could participate in the group practice.

I found the Yin Fu Style of Ba Gua exhilirating. I have never encountered another style like it. The Yin Fu styld of Ba Gua utilizes a unique low crouching stance and method of walking that is completely different from normal Ba Gua. I personally did not like the way normal Ba Gua was performed when I saw it.

Normal Ba Gua seemed to be performed in a more erect, standing up straigh posture. The low crouching posture of Yin Fu Ba Gua seemed more stable and powerful. It seemed more graceful, more acrobatic, more gymnastic. I felt is was the most wonderful system I had every encountered.

Part of the instruction of Yin Fu Ba Gua was associating the mental concept of pride with practicing the forms and movements. This was not the pride of braggodocio. It was a quiet pride of strength and dignity. In addition to the very low crouching stance, the chest is thrust forwards in a way completely unlike Tai Chi or normal Ba Gua.

Yin Fu Ba Gua truly is a uniqe system of Chinese martial arts. I have ideas on why I think this is true. I wonder if the Yin Fu system is so unique because it might be related to homosexuality.

That is a very shocking and startling thing to say. Some people would react very badly to a statement like that. I make the statement knowing how serious some people could take it. I stand by my ideas.

When the chest is thrust forwards in Yin Fu Ba Gua, the behind is thrust rearwards. The way it looks and feels is sexually suggestive. The idea that a man would perform this sexually suggestive motion of thrusting the behind to the rear, like a woman thrusting her behind to the rear in preparation for sex, is the basis of my opinion.

Kung fu changes the body on a very basic level. Most people have no concept of exactly how deep into the body the changes can go. A homosexual person and a heterosexual person are different on a physical level. This is common sense if a person considers it.

A heterosexual man thrust the penis forward for the act of sex with the woman. Every time he has sex, for all of his life, his body is focused on thrusting the penis forward. This is an important act that needs to take place for the man to develop properly.

A homosexual man is different in that he thrusts his behind to the rear for sex. See how common sense this is? The heterosexual man spends his entire life thrusting the penis forward. His whole body wants to go forward. The homosexual man is thrusting his behind to the rear his entire life. His body always wants to go to the rear.

It is this reasoning that leads me to belive that Yin Fu Ba Gua could be influenced by homosexuality. The rearward thrusting buttock motion of the postures resembles very much the rearward thrusting motion of a man or woman preparing to be a recipient of sexual entry by the penis.

I wonder if the movements and postures of Yin Fu Ba Gua are more suited to a homosexual person. If the deep body changing mentioned above changed the body of a homosexual man so that the postures and movements of this style of Ba Gua felt better and worked better for a man who had deep homosexual changes to the body.

There is also the idea that the higher martial arts speak of gaining "women's power". Woman's power refers to Yin power. The name of the system is Yin Fu Ba Gua. A woman accepts the penis, as described above in the rearward buttock thrusting motion. It is natural to think of a man accepting the penis with the rearward thrusting buttock motion. Perhaps what I have described as being homosexual, because of the preoccupation of the American culture I live in with homosexuality, is really the way a man who is practing the woman's style, or yin style, would look.

I am saying that perhaps practicing yin style or woman style has nothing to do with sex or sexual desire. In modern thinking, that is not possible. Modern culture and thinking say that if a man acts like a woman, he is homosexual, or a repressed homosexual that will not admit he is homosexual.

Maybe it is completely possible and normal for a man to behave like a woman, without any thought of homosexuality at all.

Don't ask me where that came from. I sat down to write about Mike slamming me, and it just popped out.


Blogger xingyiquan5 said...

Yin Fu was gay? I think this would be very hard to believe. He had a number of children for one thing, including his son Yin Yu Zhang who took his job in the Palace when he retired.

If you are gay I hope you don't find it offensive if I disagree about this. It just doesn't make sense for a lot of reasons.

I think you are way off base on the gay thing. The way GBZ taught ba gua in Taiwan is different from any other ba gua method that i've ever seen, and I've been seeking them out for some time.

I practiced with HJH in Taipei one time and indeed, he does stick his ass out.

But this doesn't have anything to do with being gay!! That's a really weird and off base thing to say.

Having a free moving pelvis and chest can be very useful. It means your body is strong and free to move in any direction.

You arent sticking your ass out to get fucked!

You seem wrong on many levels with this comment. After all, women thrust forward to grind on the man if they are in missionary position. And the guy has to pull back to thrust again. So again, a free moving pelvis is the goal, for sex and for fighting skill. And the ba gua of GBZ creates this in a very cool way, a way you enjoyed doing.

Martial arts utilize sexual energy, but man, being gay has nothing to do with it.

You understand that being gay in 1800's China would get your head chopped off? You would be cursed and chased out of town and never spoken of again. It's a terrible thing to be gay in old China. Buddhist and Taoist alike would hold you in contempt.

I mean, I appreciate you openly speaking your mind here, but to me your comments are totally way off base.

Also, calling GBZ's ba gua Yin Fu bagua is a bit wrong. ALL the Yin Fu branches public today do Ba Gua the 'normal', non leaning way. ONly those who learned from GBZ, and indeed, not even all of them, stick out their ass.

Look at the students of LYC, the Wu Tan. They learned from GBZ too, but they never stick out their ass.

Yin Fu Ba Gua may not be the right word for this method.

You wouldn't call Gao Yi Sheng's ba gua Cheng Ting Hua Ba Gua. Although accurate to a degree, GYS changed his method considerably from CTH. As apparently, did GBT and GBZ.

Perhaps you should call it GBZ Ba Gua? That would be more accurate.

"Gong Shi, Yin Pai."

On another note, I know this blog is primarily about your process of experiencing MJG's teachings, and the things you went through.

But it would also be nice if you looked back in your note book and pulled out some quotes and teachings of what you were working on at the time. Some specifics of this Ba Gua method that those of us on the outside could try out. Both solo and combative in nature. That would be sweet.



10:29 AM  
Blogger Happeh said...

"But it would also be nice if you looked back in your note book and pulled out some quotes and teachings of what you were working on at the time. Some specifics of this Ba Gua method that those of us on the outside could try out. Both solo and combative in nature. That would be sweet."

No thanks. This is a personal thing for me. If you want something, I suggest you go pay for it like most people do.

2:04 AM  
Blogger xingyiquan5 said...

Got it, now I see. Didn't mean to pry, nothing to it. Totally innocent question, in the spirit of sharing information. I've paid a lot of money and I know where you are coming from. People think I'm nuts to blow $5000 a year traveling and training but I couldn't do without it. The teacher's I've met have helped me in ways I couldn't have expected. I've been lucky enough to avoid teachers that hurt my feelings badly, but at the same time I've never been close enough to them to risk that. So it's a trade off.

Really, no harm meant.


12:02 PM  

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