Monday, July 10, 2006

The First Office Visit

So I am ready to make the seemingly big step of going to see Mike at his office. I wasn't too thrilled about it actually. I mentioned how the money was a hardship for me. I wondered what was going to happen privately that could not be done in the weekend meetings.

I also do not like Psychologists. I think most psychologists are evil. They purposefully manipulate people for their own purposes. Psychologists also have a propensity for making anything look bad. They can make donating money to a church look bad.

When I was young, I was sent to a child psychologist. He was a big fat disgusting man who looked like a sex pervert. He asked me to draw a man and a woman as part of some obscure psychology test or the other. I did as he asked.

I return the following week and the man says "I want to talk to you about your picture". He says "I noticed you draw the woman's groin as a V shape, while you drew the man's groin with a rounded bulge in it". What did I tell you? Sex pervert.

At school I was enrolled in art class. The art teacher told us "Men do not have a V in the groin. Wink Wink." We all knew what she meant. She could not talk or she would get in trouble. She taught us to draw women with V groins and men with a U shaped bulge in the groin. If we did not draw it that way, we were marked down.

I explained this to the psychologist. His reaction? He says "I would like to talk to that teacher to see what is going on with her". There was nothing going on with her. She was teaching us to draw visually correct human figures. It was that sick in the head sex pervert psychologist that saw the world through his sex obsession. Something he was taught as part of being a psychologist.

I head over to Mike's office. It is the same place where I went to be interviewed. It was on the second story of a small office building. There were separate entrances to the upper floor. There was a small winding staircase that led up to an equally miniscule lobby. There was room for maybe 3 or 4 chairs and a table in the lobby.

Directly off of the lobby was the door to Mike's office. There was also a short hallway that led back to another office and some bathrooms. The room was dark and stuffy. There was little ventilation. Most of the light came from a small window in the stairwell.

I sat down in one of the chairs. I noticed that there were shoes in front of Mike's door. That was interesting to me because it is a Japanese tradition to take off one's shoes before entering a house or some other special place.

At that time in my life I was obsessed with just about everything Asian in my quest for Kung Fu. I was mostly interested in Japan at that time because that was what was available to me. I had read mostly about Japanese Karate or NinJutsu. I had also been exposed to Korean Tae Kwon Do. That did not appeal to me so much.

The city I lived in had a Japan Town with a Japan Shopping Center. They rented Japanese movies at some stores. There were many Japanese restaurants and small curio and knick knack stores. There was also a huge bookstore. Japanese people are known for being voracious readers. There was also a movie theater that showed Japanese films. I spent a lot of time at the shopping center at the various places soaking up Japanese culture.

When I saw the shoes in front of the door of Mike's office, I felt pleased. He was doing something that was similar to the practices of a culture that I admired.

Eventually the door opened and Mike stuck his head out. He was with someone and would be out shortly he informed me. I sat there for awhile until the other person was done and they left. Then Mike invited me in after having me leave my shoes at the door.

The time was early morning or afternoon. The room was smallish with 4 or 5 large windows on one wall. The office was nice because the view out the window was of a small shopping area with trees and mountains in the background. I remember thinking how beautiful it was with the sun blazing in the windows and the trees outside. The area was a cool area so the sun made the room comfortably warm and cozy instead of baking it so that it was too hot.

There was one wall full of Chinese herbs for Mikes Chinese medicine practice. There was a fold up table on the far side of the room by the door for acupuncture treatment. Opposite the windows and next to the Chinese herbs was a small desk. There was only one chair for the desk.

Mike invited me to sit down. Apparently everyone sat on the floor. At the time this was another one of the things I found pleasing. It is also a Japanese custom to sit on the floor. This will help your health tremoundously over the years. Sitting down on the floor can seem like a nothing kind of thing to do. If you sit on the floor, you have to work harder to get up into a standing position than you do if you are in a chair. If you do this multiple times a day over decades of your life, the cumulative effects are just like exercise. You will become strong in a way that you never expected.

I was nervous and tense. I didn't like psychologists. I didn't know why I had to see Mike privately. At that time, a year or so after joining the Ba Gua class, I still had the majority of the symptoms of illness I had when I joined the class to get relief. Honestly my physical condition had hardly changed at all.

Part of those problems was the difficulty in being in close proximity to people with strong energy. My Wing Chun training had caused me to develop something like a proximity sensor to people with strong energy. When I got close to people with strong energy, I would get tense, it would be hard for me to breathe, I would get heart pressure that made me want to move. I sometimes would also get very angry as if I was an animal that was being threatened.

I had to try to control all of that in Mike's 10 X 20 foot closet like office with him setting 3 feet away from me looking me right in the face. I feel kind of stupid saying all of that. It seems like making a big deal out of nothing. It is hard to explain to someone how it feels when you can sense energy and you are around people with strong energy. It is not something you can ignore like a person's voice. You have no choice but to pay attention to the feelings. That is if you want to develop the ability. I could have shut off what I felt from Mike. That would have eventually affected my ability to sense energy negatively. I would be training myself to ignore my natural feelings.

I cannot tell you what was said in that first meeting it was so long ago. Mostly small talk trying to make me feel at ease. For both of us to become comfortable with each other in the small setting. I think Mike might have asked me to again detail my martial arts experience. That would be a psychological thing to make me feel comfortable. Talking about myself, plus talking about something I was familiar with.

The meetings were for an hour. I recall Mike smiling a lot and trying to be light or humorous. If you know about energy, I was a very heavy and dark kind of person. My presence literally pulled people down. They would feel like something inside of thenm was moving towards the ground.

Mike's small talk, smiling and humor were all attempts to dispel this natural tendency I had. I didn't realize it at the time, but I can see now that even those simple acts were designed to alleviate my condition. Part of my health problems was that I always had that downward feeling about me. His trying to bring me up or lighten me would counteract that natural tendency.

Theses are not mental or psychological terms. These terms apply to energy or the physical body. It is possible for one human being to make another human being feel various sensations without physically touching them. When people were around me then, they would literally feel physically that they wanted to move downwards. It was the my energy that made their physical body want to move down.

One thing that stuck with me from that first meeting was the end. After the visit was over, I needed to pay Mike. I reached out to give him the money and he motioned over to the chair. I did not understand what he was doing so I said "This is your money for the office visit". He refused to take it. He wanted me to put it on the chair.

It was more psychological manipulation. If you give money to someone, you feel like you should receive something in return. If Mike never physically took the money in your sight, mentally you could not honestly tell yourself that he took your money. If you were unsatistfied about something, it was hard to become angry or unhappy because of that slight small detail that you never actually gave HIM the money.

Mike took the money. He spent it or cashed the check. But he never took it from you. He took the money from the third party of the chair. It seems foolish that a psychological manipulation like this would work but it does.

Mike also had this policy because of energy. Human beings have energy and they can infuse inanimate objects with their energy. If a person was in Mike's office and they had bad feelings for some reason, they would infuse the money with their bad energy. When they handed the money to Mike, they would actually be handing him bad energy.

By putting the money on the chair, the person could not give their bad energy to Mike directly. After the person was gone, Mike could perform some ritual that would remove the bad energy from the money.

It really doesn't matter if you believe in some kind of actual energy being passed from people to other people. It is true, but if you do not want to believe that, you can. Even if there is no physical energy being passed around, what matters is that people and situation behave as if that is what is happening.

Even if there is no real physical bad energy on the money, Mike would psychologically feel like there was. His belief would affect his body and his health. Even if the ritual causes no physical change in Mike or the money, Mike feels or believes that he has cleansed the money. His mental and physical health will be fine regardless of whether it is real energy being changed or if it is just his mental beliefs and convictions that are being changed.

Don't let that make you forget. Human beings do have energy and they can pass it to other human beings or inanimate objects. Whether you want to believe it or not.


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