Saturday, March 12, 2005

The first impression I ever had of Mr G

When I look back and think about the very first impression I had of Mr G, I think, "why the heck was I so blind back then?" The answer is simple actually. I was a scientific guy who did not believe in intuition or signs and portents.

Foolish me. ;)

What was that first impression of Mr G that made such a lasting impression on me?


I suppose that sounds like a reasonable request huh? I was a starry eyed young guy who, at that time, believed that people did what was best for others. I was very sick and was recommended to Mr G as someone who could help.

I spoke to him, sick as I was, thinking I was speaking to a caring doctor who would be interested in what was wrong with me. I knew he was an acupuncturist and a Dr of Chinese Medicine. All my previous experience with these people was one of extreme caring, solicitousness and helpfullness. Some of the best people I had ever met in my life.I had purposefully turned aside from Western Medicine and Western Doctors and gone to acupuncturists and Dr's of Chinese medicine for just this reason. The honest caring and concern that they put out.

Western medicine doctors are about money. They treat you brusquely, as if you are a component part in some factory assembly plant. The only emotions they show are impatience, hurry and greed. I have also been subjected to humiliation, disrespect and disbelief by Dr's of Western Medicine.

When Dr Guen said very strongly and clearly, "CAN YOU PAY ME", if I had a brain in my head, I should have known then that, even though he was a trained acupuncturist and Dr of Chinese Medicine, his heart was Western. He was in it for the money.

That misjudgement on my part lead to a world of misunderstanding and disappointment that ultimately culminated in a mutually agreed parting of ways between the two of us.

OK. Let's be honest here to avoid anymore misunderstandings.

I was treated so rudely and coldly that I did not have to be asked to leave.

If you want to know why I was treated rudely and coldly. If I was a bad guy, if some situation came up that caused me to be kicked out or if I went broke and could no longer pay.....

Come on back in awhile when I make the next post. ;) I plan on writing a book and these are my notes. You can get a copy of the book just by reading the first draft here.


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